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The 21st Century Gentlemen's Society

What is GentKey

GentKey is a premium service designed to organize and support Young Gentlemen to live better lives. We organize you into Lodges to help you network with peers while also allowing us to cater to your particular needs.

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Becoming a Key Holder Includes…

  • Placement into a Horizon Lodges
  • Access to our online servers
  • Entry into Horizon Events
  • Access to upcoming discounts and partnerships
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Horizon Lodges

About Our Logo

Our logo is a mixture of three symbols. First we can see a shepherd's crook. A simple tool used to guide. Next we can see the Egyptian Key of Life. Often depicted in the hands of pharos or specific Egyptian gods, the key is a symbol of giving life. Lastly we can see an old fashion style Key. Combining the three a person can understand exactly what Gentkey does. GentKey guides Gentleman, helping them create a new life. This is done by opening ‘locked doors’ and redefining what a gentleman is in the 21st Century.

Become A Gentlemen